Weird Wednesday

Tagged by the doc.

Six weird things you don’t know about me. Warning: information overload.

1. I can get a migraine after crying too much.

2. I have an unhealthy habit of spending too much time in my room, doing nothing. Or surfing the net.

3. My t-shirts are mostly white, black and blue. Four red ones, all but one are United kits.

4. I wear a wristwatch, even to sleep.

5. I have a feeling that people thinks my punctuality is a bad habit and/or plain annoying. Maybe I’m just paranoid.

6. So many people I know have made it into my dreams, mostly in very weird settings and some spoke Japanese in the dreams when in real life they don’t know a word of it.

As usual, this line of the chain stops here. Feel free to pick it up.

5 thoughts on “Weird Wednesday

  1. drM says:

    kewl gile.. macam mana mimpi dalam bahasa jepun ek.. hahaha..
    wakaranai !!

  2. kudo says:

    the doc’s name is familiar. i think he may have been one of my arwah mom’s students at SMTTDI. so desu ka?

  3. norzu says:

    kudo: yoku wakaranai, but he was there til 93.

    drM: memang tak paham mcmana mereka2 itu boleh ber-japanese speak

  4. iJun says:

    have i made it into your dreams yet? so what did we do? heh heh.. πŸ˜‰

  5. norzu says:

    iJun: i’ll get back to you on that. haha

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