Category Archives: Events

What ryhmes with Robocop

It’s a couple of days late but Happy Navy Day! The week was full of Jiwa Murni activities organised by units all around the country, including KDSK.

While many were busy ‘cleaning up’ the nation’s affairs yesterday, I was in Pulau Indah, training. A blood donation drive, story reading sessions and gotong royong cleaning drains to prevent flash floods. Being the designated pixman and PR person meant that I was able to escape the outdoor work but not the sun and heat.

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A plug, although I’m not sure who reads this anymore. Applications for new reservists (rating / lain-lain pangkat)for KD Sri Klang is open and tryout sessions will be held on 12th and 13th May.

More info here.

After ten years…

I’m supposed to be working. Yes, on a Saturday. I have CNN on in the background, which is showing a TIME’s special on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. It’s a series of stories told by people whose lives were entangled in the horrible events of that day.

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My first ever trip to New York some six months after that fateful day was a personal milestone for me. Not only I was able to immerse myself in the city I’ve only ever seen in movies and tv series but I got to see the aftermath of 9/11 with my own eyes.

Revisiting post-9/11 NYC

Revisiting post-9/11 NYC

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When I was back in the city in 2007, the vicinity of ground zero had changed, although reminders of what happened in 2001 were still there.


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The waiter-turned-famous-author wrote his 9/11 experience here.
Good stuff that one.

From the archives of 2004

weekend with warriors

I spent most of the weekend with a couple of old friends, a cancer patient and his family and a group of strangers for project Hazim Family Day.

Davie wanted to fulfil another wish of Adik Hazim’s which was to spend a day camping near a waterfall. She was able to rope in Hafiz and Zaidi and needed someone to take photos. How can I say no? I am still not keen on camping or masuk hutan, but what the heck. Hafiz eventually had to pull out but Zaidi made it all the way from Bangkok just for this. Even his family didn’t know he came back for the weekend.

With the help of Faizah, a Hospis Malaysia staff, Davie was able to get the services of Redah 4×4 Club members to transport us to Lata Berembun, near Raub. There were six “jalopies” for the trip, five of them from Redah. Leader Perah, Sesenduk, Marajali (and Kobis), Keladi and sweeper Tetebu were joined by non-member Tembikai. There were a couple of prospective members who came along too and by the end of it are planning to get their own rides.

There are many stories to tell about the whole trip but for this post, I want to highlight the warriors who made it happen.

Here we go!

I’ve known Davie since I was 13, that was exactly 20 years ago. She has been doing volunteer work for a while now, but is currently focusing on kids with cancer. It’s something I know I’m not able to do. Not like her.

The Redah people have been doing volunteer work while satisfying their passion for off-road adventures. They went prepared with everything. Except man-made toilets. Heh. But seriously, they’re the people you’d want to have with you should you get stuck in nature. On land that is. Kalau kat laut saya panggil Awi the Duyong boatmaker. 😉

Zaidi made babysitting look fun and easy. Faizah meanwhile made sure Adik Hazim got his meds, and the rest of us fed well. She even got a nurse to be on standby! Hehe.

Real life warriors of light? I don’t doubt it.

My ノート

Moleskine My No-to

I thought the exhibition would occupy the whole upper floor. Was a bit disappointed to see that there were more notebooks up for sale than the exhibit but at least a couple of the creations on display were quite amazing.

another year to go!

CNN’s been highlighting South Africa’s preparation for the football’s greatest party – kicking off exactly a year from today – this whole week.

I’m thinking 12 months is not that long from now. 😀